Monday, September 15, 2008

Do You Have the CVS Edge?

Hurricanes Gustav and Ike devastated many towns along the Gulf Coast. Power was knocked out, roads were closed due to debris, businesses remained closed. But one consistency can be found in almost all locations stretching from south Texas to central Louisiana: CVS/pharmacy opened its doors for business within 24-48 hours.

You might ask why that's a big deal, after all, they're a major chain and should be able to get back to business quickly. That has nothing to do with it. Many large stores take several days to open. Nor is it eager store managers (okay, maybe that plays some role).

The clear answer is CVS has an effective disaster preparedness plan. They're so sure their plan works well that they issue a press release during the immediate aftermath to make sure the media knows their stores are open for business. And on top of all that, sometimes they do a little extra like give away ice and water to residents.

Business owners, imagine if you were in such a position. Think about that competitive advantage! Wouldn't it be nice to come through a disaster that has devastated your town and be able to loudly announce that you're operational and ready to help the community?

Disaster Preparedness Consulting, LLC

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